Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Growing up in New Zealand doesn't prepare you for the big business of holidays. In one sense, we are much like the British. We celebrate Christmas, New Year, Easter, and Guy Fawkes in an almost conservative fashion. You don't see flashing reindeer or Jack-o-Lantern displays on the front lawns, complete with laser light shows and professional decorators. Why spend fortunes on a Christmas or Halloween display when the money could go towards tickets to the next All Blacks game? We Kiwi's are a simple people.

In the Philippines, Halloween is the harbinger of the Christmas season. Together with All Souls Day and All Saints Day, Halloween is observed all over the country. Fungus and I joke that Halloween displays and hordes of children trick or treating is a commercial American innovation. We were told that the influence of American culture was most evident here during the holiday season and that our village becomes a virtual Halloween Disneyland at this time of the year.

So today, in honour of holidays, I am going to present to you the best and worst of Halloween displays in our immediate neighbourhood. Prepare yourselves - these people either have too much money or way too much time on their hands.

Spot the real zombie in the above picture! Next comes a spider display which this family have had up for a month now.....

A couple of interesting individuals:

We have figured out that if you have some sort of Halloween display at the front of your house, you are open to children trick or treating on Halloween. That's fine. But come on, make an effort..........

Because monkeys are scary.

Apparently, in the Philippines, American Indians have a lot to do with Halloween........

There will be no trick or treating at our house. Not just because Fungus ate all the treats last night but because our Halloween display moves, growls and likes to consume small children. Like any good "all black", she's protecting our investment at Eden Park.

P.S. The R.I.P is for Australia and our next Tri-nations win......ha, ha, ha.....


Jinna said...

Not so sure you're not wrong about the holiday commercialism being an American invention. The soon-to-be Mr. Jinna and I were joking that pretty soon, holiday displays will be up year round.

Fiwibabe said...

I know! Today, the Christmas displays are already up and the malls have been playing carols since 1st September! The whole trick or treat thing here was outrageous - kids streaming past houses, grabbing candy, moving on, no thank you. The adults were worse. Gucci and I went out for a walk to observe the madness and I came home with a sick feeling in our stomach. It was interesting reading observations from people like Neil Gaiman in the International Herald Tribune yesterday. Seems like the whole candy greed thing is not isolated to the Philippines :-(

Jinna said...

While here, we suffered from the opposite ailment -- too much candy and no trick-or-treaters! :(