Monday, October 30, 2006

Rugby Chicks

I haven't found the time to blog in ages - it is almost like an obsession some weeks and gets pushed to the back-burner at other times. Suffice to say, I am back in action.

One of the things which occupies alot of my time here in Manila is womens touch rugby. I play for an awesome club called the Manila Nomads. Not only do we train twice a week and play on weekends but the club is also involved in raising the profile of touch rugby in the Philippines. A couple of weeks ago we helped with rugby clinics for MAAP and the Philippine Police Cadets - that was an experience. The women had buzz cuts like the men!

Two weeks ago saw our team, the Nomads Bullettes (the blokes are the Nomads Bulls) on our first tour to Cebu. For those unfamiliar with Cebu, it is an island in the Philippines. Cebu is more than 200 km long and just 40 km across at its widest point, at the centre of the Visayas. It is locked between Negros, Leyte and Bohol. It is the main island of Cebu province and the location of the capital, Cebu City. On a short 55 minute flight from Manila, it is a great getaway.

We were playing in a triangular tournament with the Cebu Pink Dragons and the University of the Philippines Green Hornets. It was the first tour for the Hornets and the first tournament for the Pink Dragons - great for womens touch rugby!

Like all good rugby tours, ours did involve a fair amount of drinking, tour costumes and fines. As the fine master, it was my privilege to fine the girls 20 or 50 pesos for a variety of on-tour offenses. For 50 pesos you were not allowed to:

1. Complain about a fine
2. Argue or try to reason with the fine master (yes, moi)
3. Bitch about the tour itinerary
4. Bitch fullstop!!
5. Gossip in public (but alot went on in the privacy of rooms)
6. Fail to wear assigned team costumes
7. Bring more than one gym sized bag on tour
8. Refuse to drink team shots
9. Be late on any occasion
10.Use your cellphone in front of team mates

For 20 pesos you were not allowed to:

1. Drink with your right hand
2. Finger point - lips or legs only
3. Utter the following words:
Your name or anyone else's on the team (we all had outrageous nick names for the tour)
Your husband or boyfriend's name
Your children's name
The word 'Cebu'
The word 'beer'
The word 'wine'
4. Swearing in restaurants in bars

By the end of the tour, I had fines collected to a total of about 5000 pesos! Once we were all drinking, tour mates were just handing me 100 pesos and saying "Put it on my tab". Great fun.

The following photos are in no way indicative of our rugby playing prowess nor our sense of fashion or style:

So, did we win the tournament in between all the drinking, eating and drunken debauchery? Too right we did!

It was a great first tour of the year for us all. And like all great rugby tours the drinks kept flowing. We all made new friends..........

..........even if it was with four bottles of beer!

Yeah, that's my room mate - on ya Aussie chick!

Even our pilot on the way home got into the spirit of things and wore our team medal home. Well basically, he had no choice. What else do you do when your last flight of the night is full of drunk rugby chicks?


Anonymous said...

Yes a great tour indeed. Sorry I wasn't able to participate fully in all the drinking, but then again there is a part of me (my liver & brain) that says thank god ;)

Well done on a great tour, oh and the result in the lil tournie in between wasnt bad either :p

Proud of you all and here's to more touch rugby fun - or is that more drinking fun :)

Oh and u didn't honestly think someone wouldn't stumble on your lil blog did you ;) we have ways u know :D

- shiela

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