Thursday, September 14, 2006

Instant social life - just add water!

The coolest thing about the Philippines is how easy it is to have a social life here. As a teacher on the international network, it has always been easy to find a few good mates within the school community. However, even that gets more than a little incestuous and can be like living in a goldfish bowl.

I didn't know how I was going to cope being a fish out of water, taking the plunge and (gasp) not working! I was going to have to really put myself out there and find friends, try new things and be sociable without that safety net of 'work friends'. I constantly reassured my husband I would be OK and promised him I would not be a recluse, with only Gucci as my muse.

Suddenly I could go out late every night of the week and not have to worry about being a zombie in front of my class. When someone calls at 8:30 pm and suggests going out for drinks at 10 pm on a Tuesday night, I can go! Not to say I couldn't go when I was teaching but YOU try teaching twenty 14 years old with less than five hours sleep.

You get the point - our social life has exploded here in the Philippines and we are having an absolute ball. We even had our first party on Saturday night, inviting all the nicest people we had met so far while being here. No, not a dinner party like you are supposed to have when you are mature-in-your-30's but a proper party - people leaving at 3 am, pissed, singing Duran Duran, the Exponents and Prince Tui Teka, proper party mess to clean up when you are hung over on a Sunday morning.

I am full into playing touch rugby for a women's team here which has opened up a whole other social network - last night, a couple of my team mates and I went to watch four British comedians performing here in Manila. Most of my team mates are Filipinas so I really love that and the new experiences I will have joining a local sports team. Today I had lunch with a friend in a new area of the city - just to try it out. Tomorrow I am going for a manicure with another new friend and then we have been invited to an Aussie-Kiwi progressive dinner..........via jeepneys! Saturday we are going to a Mongolian BBQ with a couple of Dave's mates and then onto a huge farewell/40th birthday for a Kiwi friend here who works most of his year in Afghanistan.

The best part is, come Monday, it all starts again. There is always someone to see, something to do, somebody who invites you to something. The expat world of Manila is large but always welcoming and definitely friendly. Even though we live in one of the most polluted cities in the world, it is like a breathe of fresh air to be back.

P.S. For those of you wondering what people sat on outside at the party, here's pics of our new lanai set. I would tell you how cheap they were but I don't want those at home to get depressed. Made of woven abaca, common to the Philippines. Funky and an absolute bargain!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Loving the tales of expat life! Thank you for posting them!

Hopefully when Mr Bargain Queen finishes his teaching degree and we move overseas we'll have as much fun as you are :)