Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fashion Faux Pas

Teaching is never a profession associated with the heights of fashion. I mean, teachers are meant to be those people in the world shaping the minds of the young and impressionable. So tell me then, why are most teachers so bloody unfashionable? It truly is a conundrum.

In my ten years of teaching, I have experienced so many fashion faux pas that I wanted to offer a class at various conferences entitled "Fashion 101 for teachers". I guess the terrible fashion I encountered may be a part of life in South East Asia. What does one wear in a climate that only has two seasons - hot and humid which leads into hotter and humider (yes, I just made up that word).

When I first moved to the Philippines, I made many fashion blunders in my attempt to adapt to my environment. On my stopover in Singapore, I some how bought a tie-died sack of a dress which I somehow thought was 'breezy' and 'tropical'. Try instead 'fatty' and 'dodgy' and ' you look like a right twat in that".

Or in the first few months when I hadn't quite acclimatised and attempted to wear jeans and boots. I have a faint memory of cutting the jeans off my legs because the blood wasn't reaching any moving parts.

We all made those mistakes. Grooving Fungus, for example, had lived a charmed life when he first came to Manila. He basically moved from an air conditioned car to his air conditioned office and back into the airconditioned car where he would alight into an air conditioned mall. When we were posted to Singapore, he truly had a fashion melt down. One day he came home with the type of sandals that one's Dad would wear and tried to convince me they were trendy. I had to drag him to the mall, make him buy some longish shorts and a pair of Chuck Taylors. Luckily, his fashion has evolved otherwise there would have been no way we would ever have been married.

But, I digress. Fashion in South East Asia is one thing - fashion in an international school is another. Please allow me to enlighten you and your wardrobe.

A mullet is never a fashionable hair cut. Ever. No, not even for David Beckham.

It is completely unacceptable to wear a jersey dress if you are obese. Especially if when you stand up, the front of the dress gets caught in the folds of your stomach and you end up showing your faculty those grey granny knickers with the stretched elastic. True story - I can only just begin to talk about it now. Traumatic.

White sports shoes with white ankle socks will never say 'professional'. You know you've seen it on a male faculty member near you.

Worse, mid-calf length floral skirts never look good on anyone. Least of all with the black-listed white sports shoes.

Rough linen shirts with elephant shaped buttons have never been trendy.

There is absolutely no social situation when you can wear tie-dyed pants. No, I don't care if you bought them in Ubud and everyone else was wearing them.

Shoes with large square heels were only in fashion for five minutes, if ever. Even if they cost you a lot and are made from the softest leather.

If you have a fat stomach, buy pants that fit. Do not attempt to wear them over your gut or under it with that belly protruding like a keg of beer.

Never, ever wear a short sleeved shirt with a tie. Yes, your father did but 1976 was twenty years ago.

Low riders and thongs in a classroom. Never a good thing.

Try not to be wearing a fitted wool jersey when there is a fire drill in which you need to stand outside for at least twenty minutes in 35 degree heat.

Hand carved wooden parrot earrings can be admired on a jewellry stand when travelling through Cambodia/Thailand/Philippines/Indonesia..............but they should never be purchased or worn.

White underpants should never be worn under white trousers. And while we are on the topic, did somebody mention VPL? Ladies, underwear should fit.

The four boob effect? One of your teachers is wearing a bra that is wayyyyy too small and suddenly she looks like one of those weirdos off that Arnold movie on Mars. Two normal breasts and two small ones above, popping through her shirt to say hello.

I never declared I was a fashionista. Never. However, if you have ever made one of the mistakes above, take heed. It doesn't take much to be trendy as a teacher.

As a true shoe diva, I will leave you with one major pearl of wisdom. Shoe selection. I don't care who you are but Croc's should never be seen in a classroom..........small exception made for those who are PE teachers required to be pool side for the day. Birkenstocks fall into the same category. Sorry but who the hell invented those things?

Teachers constantly wax lyrical about being 'professionals' and 'respected within the community". Easy solution - if you want to be treated like a professional, you should physically present yourself as a professional. Most teachers only ever dress up and look decent for Parent-Teacher conferences........what does that tell you?


Anonymous said...

Ah, Mel, you describe my daily experiences so well. Not that I would ever consider myself fashionable, but I can honestly say that I have never done any of the things on your list (except for maybe the birkenstocks). But, I do see it every single day.

I think teachers in SEAsia do dress differently than those in Europe though. We had some interesting outfits in Germany, but never did anyone stoop to the level you describe here. It's the weather, I'm sure...

Fiwibabe said...

Super Kimbo - I am so glad you have never committed such a fashion faux pas :-) I'll let you off on the Birkenstocks because you are fabulous. Is it the weather? Or is it a South East Asian teacher phenomenon? Who knows.....

M - you are too funny! You never committed the pants crime as you, my dear, are far too fashionista. I saw your style every day and you always rocked! I did forget the stripe crime, true. But what about horizontal stripes when you are a tad too wide anyway??

As for the pyjamas, I laughed my ass off. I should have added that it is never cool to wear Christmas, Halloween or Easter outfits as casual wear. I mean, really :-)

Sheer tops and cleavage - now, let me guess.......hmmm??

Fiwibabe said...

Marina - I have checked your blog. Great shoes. I'll link you onto mine.

Merci x

Intrepidflame said...

The following two lines are priceless:

There is absolutely no social situation when you can wear tie-dyed pants. No, I don't care if you bought them in Ubud and everyone else was wearing them.

Hand carved wooden parrot earrings can be admired on a jewelry stand when traveling through Cambodia/Thailand/Philippines/Indonesia..............but they should never be purchased or worn.

But I have to take umbrage with this:

Never, ever wear a short sleeved shirt with a tie. Yes, your father did but 1976 was twenty years ago.

I mean look at Billy Joe what’s-his-face from GreenDay. That’s a pretty good look, also if you have a half sleeve of tattoos, it adds a bit of flair that is a nice contrast with the tie. But I think you are right that shirt should never be white and the tie black.

Fiwibabe said...

BZ - you make a good point about the short sleeved shirt with a tie. The dude from Green Day does rock the look well. And, if not mistaken, last summer had a lot of short sleeved action with cool ties aka GQ thing going on. The half arm of tats definitely gives it the twist it needs.

Anonymous said...

Here are two more things that offend me when I see them done (and I see them done often!): 1.) Baggy pants that are made of any batik or sarong fabric, usually with elephants printed on them. What the hell is that? This look is usually topped with a shapeless t-shirt in order to make a I-only-care-about-being-comfortable-I-don't-care-about-fashion statement. I can say that I DO care about fashion and there are plenty of clothes that look good and are very,very comfortable!

2.) Those horrible Thai fisherman pants worn by women- for some reason, when men wear them they do not offend me as much, probably because it is not normal for men to wear pants which are fitted in the derriere area....however, on women, these pants look terrible and the only look that they succeed in pulling off is one similar to walking behind a baby elephant. I'm just saying.....these pants NEVER do women's figures any favors.Again, it is possible to buy pants that are comfortable without making your saggy ass look 2 feet long.

Really, I could go on all day, but I feel that this will suffice for now. Oh, and I'm with Grooving Fungus on the white socks with business attire thing-never, never, never. And while Bz makes a good point, I must ask the question: exactly how many men who are wearing short-sleeved shirts with ties LOOK like Billy Joe? The answer? Not too many!

Anonymous said...

Great post Mel! I laughed out loud reading your words and the comments. Although the "true and traumatic" situation you described regarding the jersey dress has left me desperately trying to get that nasty visual out of my head!

And I fully agree on the four boob observation. Don't these people look in the mirror??? I'm sure they do, but what are they thinking?? That no one will notice? Or worse yet, that it's hot??? yikes!

I was also going to add a couple comments but Mairin beat me to it. So I'll just add my two cents. Crocs are so wrong for school or any professional situation unless you are a super hot PE teacher spending your days poolside. Black Crocs are absolutely not any better just because they are black, and they especially don't become acceptable if one wears black socks with them! Come on people! And my final Croc complaint... if you have even the slightest of chubbed up ankles don't even think about wearing these shoes. In fact, unless you are said super hot PE teacher, or a 10 year old or younger girl who's matching her colourful Crocs with her hair bandana or other accessory... leave these shoes in the gas station where you likely bought them from.

Mairin also hit on my second rant. What is the deal with sheer tops and huge cleavage as professional wear? Come on ladies, you're not seriously jonesing for THAT kind of attention from the boys you teach?? koo-koo-ka-choo

Anonymous said...

If only 1976 was twenty years ago then I would still be young & nubile with years of potential fertility in front of me, sadly it was 30 years ago........Bloody lucky I'm not a teacher & can get away with wearing my crocs to do the Plumbers paperwork!

Jinna said...

Hilarious. I wish someone would write a fashion guide for counselors, though many items could be taken verbatim from your list!