Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dog Diva

You know your shoe existence is getting bad when the only person getting new shoes in your the dog. After our fifth visit to IKEA to buy my new desk, Dave's new desk, shelving for the roof top study and more wine glasses (we only bought two with us because we always break them), we stumbled across a pet section in IKEA here! Yes, they luuurrrvvvveee their animals in Taipei.

Gucci is now the proud owner of a fancy pink boot, straight out of the 60's:

.....and a sports shoe (not sure what this is reminiscent of):

Not only does she have new shoes, but Gucci gets to go to the dog spa once a week for a full grooming. The only problem is, the lovely Taiwanese women who groom her have a little problem with the big, black, slobbery female Labrador who does not look like a girl. The solution?

I don't think I have laughed so hard in a very long time. This is the dog who runs up the Yangmingshan mountains and rolls in the mud on a daily basis. Gorgeous!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Shoe Depression

Sigh....well it has been nearly three months since I last posted! My new life and being back at work is consuming the very little free time I have.

There are NO, I repeat, NO shoes in my size in Taipei. Well, there are if you count sports shoes.....and usually I do.....but I need real shoes. Shoes with with that make random strangers gasp and say "Oh, I love your shoes! Where did you get them?"

So, I need to be content with posting a few doozies I picked up before I left Manila:

Life is bleak. I am hanging out for our upcoming trip to Manila where I plan on buying many, many, many new pairs. Until then, that is all.

Yours in a deep, dark, shoe depression,
The Shoe Diva